After working with Governing Principles to create the brand for their leading governance company, our teams partnered up again to enhance their brand new corporate brand with the development of a tailored CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) framework.
This initiative aimed to elevate Governing Principles' business and align it with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges.
Governing Principles recognised the critical importance of good governance in driving organisational success alongside the paramount integration of CSR principles into their operations to foster a sustainable and equitable world by 2030. They reached out to TOAST to create a CSR framework that not only upheld their values of integrity, transparency and ethical conduct but also created a positive social impact for their stakeholders. The challenge lay in developing a program that effectively addressed economic, social, and environmental challenges while aligning with the UN's SDGs to bring longevity and actionable vision to their brand.
TOAST worked closely with Governing Principles to develop their framework, which together we titled the 'Good Work Program'. This tailored framework consists of three core pillars: Good Ethics, Good Wellbeing, and Good Employment. Each pillar is designed to address specific aspects of CSR and is strategically linked to corresponding United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The design of the Good Work Program is an iconography set that draws directly from the graphic language of Governing Principles’ corporate brand image. This approach enables optimum brand equity and positions their CSR framework as a core vertical of their business operations.
The 'Good Work Program' not only enhances Governing Principles' brand reputation but also builds trust with stakeholders by actively contributing to sustainable development initiatives outlined by the United Nations. It demonstrates Governing Principles' commitment to excellence in corporate social responsibility while making a meaningful difference in their work environments and communities - showcasing how aligning with CSR principles can lead to enduring success in a thriving corporate ecosystem.