Sanctuary Placemaking Sculpture

Sanctuary Placemaking Sculpture

Lifting brand beyond the page

Sanctuary is a thriving example of Sekisui House’s award winning vision in action. Their holistic approach to community-centric masterplanning has made it the enriching, balance-focused lifestyle benchmark it is today. Located just 16km from Sydney's CBD at Wentworth Point and adjacent to Sydney Olympic Park, Sanctuary is to be one of their most celebrated developments.

Aligning with Sekisui House’s deep respect for community, and its hallmark integration of nature and architecture in every project they invest in, Sanctuary has delivered a thriving community designed to enjoy life to its fullest. Central to the site, a mirrored sculpture stands captivating in its beauty while blending sympathetically into the surrounding natural landscape, much in the same spirit as the community’s architecture, thoughtfully designed to respond to its unique natural context.

TOAST was wholly involved in the place visioning and place making foundation of this pivotal site. Working with Turner Architects, RobertsDay Urban Planners and Turf Landscape Architects, our teams collaboratively brought to life the Sanctuary creative vision through a brand-first approach. Our ‘Branded House’ avenue translated into all consultants’ visions to build a robust placemaking framework. Bolstered with in-depth community consultation and strategic place analysis, TOAST crafted a branding suite that dually champions the inclusive, neighbourly connections and harmony with nature that Sanctuary fosters.

The cohesive synergy between the built form and its natural surroundings has established a fantastic standard of living at Sanctuary. In the same spirit as its architecturally designed residences, parkland amenity and commercial offering, Sekisui House has brought TOAST’s place vision and brand identity to life with a placemaking sculpture representing energy and life, designed to reflect the entire precinct’s sense of vitality.

TOAST branded Sanctuary from the core, developing a communicative iconography system that comes to life across all 6 stages of the masterplan. This approach has led to a rich urban fabric, and a dynamic sense of place, a celebration of a glistening waterfront lifestyle with a backdrop of a generous expanse of green, Sanctuary is a gift to its residents and surrounding neighbourhood. The crafted sculpture acts as a physical reflection of the community engagement, placemaking and place visioning that all come together to create this people-centred brand.

From this specific context, the opportunity to craft Sanctuary’s brand identity was an opportunity for TOAST to create a statement to represent a ‘centre of life’ for people. TOAST’s emblematic brand mark for Sanctuary is a kaleidoscope of facets, a harmonious integration of the naturally-derived design principles driving Sanctuary’s entire place vision, evincing that when the fields of brand, architecture and urban planning evolve together, all attributes of a property align seamlessly to provide an exceptional overall experience. 

Organic, fluid and balanced by pattern, TOAST’s circular logotype composition refracts and glints with light as if reflected by water, establishing a dynamic creative platform for adaptation across the entire Sanctuary ecosystem.


Since its inception, Sanctuary has gone above and beyond to positively impact and enrich residential and neighbourhood life at Wentworth Point. Welcoming current and future residents and their guests to the masterplanned community with the gift of an iconic piece of public art further enhances this ambition. 

For more information about our brand and business solutions, please get in touch with

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At TOAST, we create strategic campaigns and creative brand identities which engage multiple stakeholders, uniting them around a common goal - to create a better future for Australia.

We are Brand Makers.
We are Place Makers.
We are Future Makers.

At TOAST, we are Makers.